Monday, December 7, 2009

Ten things that are making me happy right now

1. Crossing items off my 28/28th list
2.  Homemade Stock.
3. Awesome Welcome Winter party this weekend
4. Iron Crow Theatre Company
5. Pictures of my cute 15 month old cousin seeing santa
6. Day off later this week (what what, thursday!)
7. Camera being fixed
8. Tim is blogging!
9. Chicken corn dogs from Target (surprisingly tasty and awesome!)
10. Creme Brulee Latte from Starbucks- they probably have a million calories, but they are really good

What's making you happy right now?


  1. Okay, let's see...

    1. I got a number of things crossed off my to-do list this weekend.
    2. I saw a chorale performance this weekend of Hendal's Messiah.
    3. I won 2 free tickets to the movie theatre this weekend.
    4. I lost 1.4 lbs last week.
    5. Buying groceries at super walmart.
    6. One panel of my new curtains in on the rod! 5 to go!
    7. Planning Christmas Eve dinner for my family.
    8. Having a decent paying job.
    9. My car is now in the garage and I didn't have to scrape windowns this morning.
    10. My brother sending me text messages this morning.

  2. 1. I've completed 11.5 things on my "26 things to do when I'm 26" list. And so far I'm succeeding at #26: Not die.

    2. Having new tires on my car for the snow/rain last week.

    3. Spencer's birthday party on Friday.

    4. Paul's Welcome to Winter party on Saturday.

    5. Maria's cookie exchange party on Sunday.

    6. Quality time with my couch and my puppy tonight.

    7. Its not raining.

    8. Knowing there are mint chocolate chip cookies at home.

    9. Maintenence is fixing my bathroom light today-been showering in the dark for a week!

    10. Tickets to ICE! on Thursday, Jersey Boys on Friday.

  3. Good idea!

    1. three more shifts until holiday break
    2. going to NYC in January
    3. homemade pizza
    4. naps
    5. lent my neighbor some wintergreen oil so he could make MonsterAway spray for his little boy
    6. doing well at my job
    7. my dear boyfriend
    8. my dear dog
    9. book I'm reading is engaging (The Taste of Salt)
    10. my new denim pants.
