And while I haven't done one of these in a long time, because life has been crazy, and stressful, it is still important to recognize things that make me happy.
1. My parents will be in Baltimore for dinner on Friday! I was sick when my mom wanted to come down to visit a few weeks ago, and I felt terrible about not being able to hang out, so I'm glad that they are stopping on their way home from Savannah. (Sidenote: am totally jealous they went to Savannah)
2. Irish Bangers are in at Trader Joe's! I'm not gonna lie.... I've been debating buying a case. That's how good they are.
3 Kate and James are going to be hitting Baltimore for a little bit in April! (woo!)
4 I just realized I never posted about this! I crossed another item off my 30/30th list!
That's my dftba tattoo! (it stands for Don't Forget To Be Awesome)
5 Iron Crow is putting on a staged reading of 8 the play by Dustin Lance Black (the same guy who wrote Milk, and it's been getting really great press and it's almost sold out!
6 Planning the Chincoteague vacation. It is going to be EPIC this year- Rib cookoff, Wing cookoff, and for those of you who are fans of the TV show Cougar Town, there will be a lot of Penny Can. (and giant, oversized wine glasses)
7 Have gotten into recipe planning again, I have a couple of ideas, but now that the weather is so warm, all i want to make is cool-weather things. I need to carve some time out to cook!
8 My friend Julie was in a pretty bad accident (the kind where she needs how to learn to walk again) it was really scary, but it seems like she's on the mend.
9 Today is Pi Day! You should eat some pie.
10 Corny Jokes! I now have an app for that on my ipad. My favorites of late:
What do you call a donkey with earplugs? ..... anything you want, he can't hear you!
What is ten letters and starts with gas? .... an automobile
.... heh.